Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Making Green Choices!

The era of disposables has compromised our environment to a point that we are so dettached from the real effects of increasing land dumps and ineffective waste management. As it turns out our lives have been reduced to aiming for convenience, passed off as making life easier which in fact has the opposite result.

Making green choices is really about a lifestyle change and becoming self aware of the small things you can start doing in your daily activities to reduce your carbon footprint.


Tip: If you are a loving mother who also cares about the environment your kids will have in the future....then you should make the choice to use cloth diapers that are used with nappy liners.

This range can be found at http://www.bamboobaby.co.za/

Our Motherland: Africa is Cradle of Mankind

The World's priceless Jewel

Africa should be the most protected and beloved habitat for the world to love and cherish as the Devine's gift to man. It can easily be said that the continent Africa is an enigma or a wonder in itself with mystery surrounding its politics, nature and cultural heritage. It stands out as the most habitable for man with an abundance of natural resources, a complex but yet adaptable climate, created for a diverse offering of species.

The concept of oneness, a deep connection with everything in the universe demands that we recapture a new ideology of embracing a one world approach to solving the problems of the coming 5th world modern age. Africa alone can feed the world, if all its natural resources were used efficiently coupled with a robust technologically advanced systems in access to energy, water and land. All of which must be founded on harmony or a coexistence with mother nature.

Fisher men from the Okavango Delta

Africans if left to their own devices should be able to tap into their ancient indigenous systems that have sustained life for thousands of years.
Instead of a world view that Africa is a remote place with problems and plagues that no one cares about, The us and them stance breaks away from the fundamental principle of oneness from which we are created; that universal bond that cannot be broken, and which the forces of nature will always seek to retrieve in balancing matter to sub zero. African proverb "Motho ke motho ka batho", "U are because we are" points out the cause and effect that exists amongst us and therefore their problem is in fact our problem.

In reference to true African wisdom and concepts of divine intervention, we should embrace the continent's practice of spiritual healers known as Sangomas/ traditional healers or in Setswana "Dingaka-tsa-setso". These practitioners although shunned and misunderstood, bridge the gap between the ancestors and living flesh. The kind of wisdom that does not come from books, education or travels but from the realm of a higher conscienceness. Spiritual dimensions that can bring about tremendous good and source of knowledge to the physical world of  the 5 senses.Let us free our minds and develop a sense of oneness perhaps our sixth sense!

Gathering food is done by both women and children
[There is no such thing as "child labour" in African terms, as in animal kingdoms children are taught to fend for themselves from an early age]

So our motherland, Africa is to the world like a battered woman, when all she wants to do is love and nurture, she is abused and degraded by the very one who's meant to love and protect her.

 Africa arise for the 5th World of  Peace!