Tuesday, 3 January 2012

There seems to be a general intolerance for corporate greed and bad practise policies that benefit a few and disastrous consequences for society as a whole. Let’s take for instance the recent BP saga when tonnes of countless oil waste made it to the Pacific Ocean with dire impact on the environment. It has also become apparent at this point that most of the super powers/ developed world has shown very little enthusiasm in setting a framework and in setting standards, penalties as well as targets to curb carbon emissions//COP17.
Companies with a good Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) enhance their reputation and guarantee stakeholders long term benefits. Global trends also indicate that a company’s behaviour and presumably that of its people should be aligned with CSR values, in a consistent way. This sense of intolerance towards greed and disregard for common good by the corporate society, took centre stage during the “Occupy-wall-street” movement that has since gained momentum throughout the world.
Eco-VW with Ipad holder

Corporate society need to get in the driver’s seat inspiring innovation that will bring about a holistic change that will retain income, staff and stakeholders as well as better the lives of the end user. The 21st century is an eclectic era for modern technology, which demands that corporates dig into their creative reserves to unpack the solutions for the future generations. The defining juncture is in every CSR program or corporate citizenship status measured on building long-term constructive relationships that strengthen reputation, build brand and lead to further deal flow :) Win Win
As a key driver of value in any organization, employees need to be engaged in the task of integrating CSR throughout the firm, helping the firm achieve its CSR goals and adhere to its CSR principles consistent with its strategic business direction. Anything less than this is likely to breed cynicism and lead to reputation issues and a disconnection between rhetoric and practice.  The growing awareness that business value is more and more a function of intangibles such as goodwill, reputation, trust, talent and intellectual capital, makes this an increasingly important consideration.
"In this “war for talent”, employer differentiation will become more and more important.  People increasingly want to work for an organization that has a “conscience”, and values are key to building conscience. "